Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Project with kids Shell Frame

During the summer my kids and I love to do projects and read books that relate to the projects we are creating!  I will be uploading the crafts that we are creating and I will also place the title of book we read which corresponds to our craft.
Our first book we read was "Shells" by Catherine Chambers.

We decided to decorate a white frame with shells!
Materials needed: Shells, frame, all purpose tacky glue

Most of the shells we purchased at a shell shop but there were some that we had picked up from our camping trip in Rockport. So feel free to use any shells you may have.
I got these frames from a friend and I sprayed them with white paint and then I sealed the paint with a high gloss. If it is much easier you can purchase frames that are white and ready to decorate or you can ask the kiddos to paint the frames with kid friendly paint.

I chose Tacky Glue because it is  safe and not a strong odor glue. Perfect for the kids!

Get your frame and start gluing your shells on the wood border. Leave the frame to dry for 24 hours so the shells and glue stick really well!
Now that our frames are ready all we need to do is place awesome picture in them!


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